Shamanic Services
in the San Francisco Bay Area
Susie Mader
Remembering Who You Are
Shamanic meditations and journeys
Do you have questions about your future? How does your connection with the outside world express itself? Would you like to discover and deepen a relationship with a plant or animal spirit? I will journey for you to bring back information and will teach you the skills to create your own shamanic journeys.
We can also do soul retrievals together, as well as divination, and spells and rituals.
I have been interested in metaphysical matters for many years and shamanic studies since the early 1990s.
I am a member of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and a founding member of the Society for Shamanic Practitioners, have studied with Michael Harner, Sandra Ingerman, and Tom Cowan, among other talented teachers. I have combined my shamanic knowledge with my love of plants, gardening, and herbal medicine. (See the website for
The shamanic experience, which is interactive and dynamic, can be one of the most helpful ways of consciously working with your spirit.
Please contact me at
Some of the things shamanic practitioners do:
- Communicate with helping spirits.
- Develop our relationships with other animals, plants and the natural elements to see how we can help each other.
- Create personal rituals and spells.